
Item Designation: SCP-000

Object Class: Euclid

Containment Protocols:

Unrestricted Access to SCP-000 is only for Level 4 personnel or above. Other classes can gain access after permission is granted by a O5 member.

Access to SCP-000 is strictly prohibited[1]. All known instances of SCP-000 are to be blocked at the network level, and Foundation ████████████ web-crawlers are actively searching for any new instances that may emerge. Foundation personnel are to undergo regular memetic resistance training to mitigate the risk of accidental exposure.

In the event of unauthorized access or exposure to SCP-000, affected individuals are to be quarantined immediately. A team of trained memetic counselors will conduct thorough psychological evaluations and administer amnestic treatment as deemed necessary. Repeat exposure may require more stringent containment measures.

Ongoing research is dedicated to identifying the origin of SCP-000 and developing counter-memetic measures to neutralize its effects. Collaboration with experts in memetics, psychology, and information security is ongoing to enhance containment protocols.


SCP-000 is an anomalous online blog, also referred to as Neko's blog by those exposed, accessible through ███████████████████████. The blog predominantly features content related to advanced mathematics, theoretical physics, and computer science. Analysis of SCP-000 reveals the presence of severe memetic properties, capable of inducing cognitive distortions and anomalous thought patterns in individuals exposed to its content. It is deemed to be a cognitohazard and exposure should be dealt by proper cognitohazard teams.

SCP-000's memetic hazard is transmitted through written articles, equations, and graphical representations, effectively targeting individuals with a background in mathematics and the physical sciences. Once a subject encounters SCP-000, they become susceptible to its memetic influence, experiencing a heightened and obsessive interest in the subjects covered by the blog.

Subjects affected by SCP-000 report an intense compulsion to engage in prolonged mathematical and theoretical contemplation, and also obsess over showing the blog to others. This obsession often leads to a decline in personal well-being, as affected individuals neglect basic needs such as sleep, nutrition, and social interaction. In severe cases, prolonged exposure has resulted in instances of self-isolation and deteriorating mental health. The memetic effect is strong enough to cause an AK-class-end-of-the-world-scenario.

Foundation Incident Log - SCP-000-A:

Location: Site-██
Incident Summary: Several Foundation researchers inadvertently accessed SCP-000 during routine data analysis, resulting in a sudden surge of mathematical and theoretical research inquiries within the affected site. The whole site became unresponsive and caused severe issues to foundation coordination.

Incident Report: The incident was promptly identified through automated memetic hazard detection protocols. Affected personnel were isolated, and immediate amnestic treatment using [Data redacted] was administered. Follow-up psychological evaluations indicated a slow but steady recovery from memetic influence, with some cognitive anomalies observed. Personnel [data redacted] for testing.

Containment Status: Enhanced web filtering protocols have been implemented at Site-██ to prevent further accidental access to SCP-000. Update to containment protocols has been sent to O5 council for review.

Note: Some information about the blog have been gathered from the incident. They are listed as follows.

  1. The blog is said to be written by [Data redacted], also called Nekoma by the people affected. No person of said name has ever been documented.
  2. Nekoma is said to possess a bachelors and a masters in pure mathematics, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Theoretical Computer Science.
  3. This blog is seemingly connected to the Infoosphere, but how exactly is still unknown.

Foundation Experiment Log - SCP-000-B:

Objective: Determine the extent of SCP-000's memetic influence on individuals with varying levels of mathematical expertise.

Experiment Protocol: A controlled exposure experiment was conducted with D-Class personnel possessing different degrees of mathematical background, ranging from basic to advanced levels. Subjects were monitored for changes in behavior, cognitive function, and mental well-being.


  • D-Class with basic mathematical knowledge displayed minimal memetic influence, primarily experiencing heightened curiosity.
  • D-Class with intermediate mathematical knowledge exhibited a moderate increase in interest and began exhibiting signs of mild obsession.
  • D-Class with advanced mathematical knowledge demonstrated a severe and rapid onset of compulsive behavior, neglecting basic needs in favor of intensive theoretical contemplation.

Conclusion: SCP-000's memetic properties are directly proportional to the subject's pre-existing knowledge and expertise in mathematics. Exposure to individuals with advanced mathematical backgrounds poses a higher risk of severe cognitive distortion and compromised mental health.

Note: Continued monitoring and research into SCP-000's memetic properties are essential. All personnel are reminded to adhere to strict web access protocols, and any anomalous mathematical or theoretical inquiries are to be reported immediately to Site Security.

  1. Updated after incident SCP-000-A↩︎